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Tickets Insights

The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire…

Feedback Dashboard

The Feedback Dashboard gives you access to powerful insights and data helping you review your performance with the Feedback add-on.  This…

Setting up your Company details

The company details section allows you to customize and optimize eDesk to meet the needs of your company and users. This help file will guide…

Chats Insights

The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire…

Agents Insights

The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire…

General Insights

The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire…

What is eDesk home?

eDesk Home is a new page within your eDesk app that helps you to keep track of your mailbox and learn how to get the most from eDesk. Before…

Spotlight on the eDesk Insights (video)

In this video, we will talk about eDesk Insights! We’ve given eDesk Dashboards a new layout and a new name to go with it.   

Channel Reports

The Channel Reports section is a marketplace-specific reporting tool showing useful information relevant to that marketplace. It currently supports…

What are the best practices for creating a 5-star customer experience?

Nowadays, customers can shop from anywhere, at any time, making it harder than ever to get ahead of the competition! Remember that a single bad…

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